Kindergarten School Curriculum
I. Reading
- Phonics based series
- Comprehensive workbooks
- Sequencing and inference skill development
- Comprehension development
- Cold reading (listening skills)
II. Phonics
- Letter and sound recognition
- Long and short vowel sounds
- Prefixes and suffixes
- Synonyms and antonyms
III. Math
- Addition and subtraction facts through 18
- Ones/Tens placement
- Double digit addition and subtraction
- Story problems
- Fractions
Time – hour and half-hour
Money – learn to count
IV. English
- Basic sentence structure
- Parts of speech
- Mechanics
- Dictionary skills
V. Science
- Biological science
- 5 senses and body development
- Living and non-living things
- Plants and animals
- Physical science
- Light, sound, heat, and movement
- Earth science
VI. Social Studies
- Community awareness
- Cultures and holidays
- Means of transportation
VII. Spelling
- Letter and vowel sounds
- Word patterns and alphabetical order
- Handwriting skills
VIII. Handwriting
- Block style lettering
- Letter formation and mechanics
IX. Thinking Series
- Sorting skills
- Listening skills and following direction development
- Puzzle mastery
X. Story time
tudents are read to daily
XI. Religion
- A study of God’s love for us
XII. Computer
Introduction to computer
Turn computer on and off
- User name
- User password
- Mouse skills
- Left click
- Right click
- Basic computer terms
- Hardware
- Software
- Basic typing skills
- Numeric keypad
- Home keys and combinations
- Alternate keyboard commands
- Educational games
- Innovative games with programs to develop listening skills and
following directions
- Basic introduction toward processing
- Creative activities