Lake Castle Madisonville Private School, Inc.

"Excellence in Education"

8th Grade School Curriculum

I. Reading (Literature based)

Classic novels and plays

  1. Reading comprehension, analysis, and discussion
  2. Composition
  3. Vocabulary development
  4. Student performances

II. Math

Algebra I course of study

  1. Integers and rational numbers
  2. Equations
    1. Addition and subtraction property of equality
    2. Decimals
    3. Formulas
    4. Absolute value
  3. Inequalities
    • Addition and multiplication property
  4. Exponents and polynomials
    1. Scientific notation
    2. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication of polynomials
    3. Factoring
      1. Polynomials
      2. By grouping
  5. Graphs and linear equations
    1. Ordered pairs and equations
    2. Slopes
    3. Equation of a line
  6. Systems of equations
    1. Solve by graphing
    2. Substitution and addition method
  7. Inequalities and absolute value
  8. Rational expressions and equations
    • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  9. Radical expressions and equations
    1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
    2. Simplifying radical expressions
    3. The Pythagorean Theorem
  10. Relations and Functions
    1. Quadratic functions and equations
    2. Direct, inverse, joint, and combined variation

III. English

  1. Sentence structure
    1. Coordination and subordination
    2. Clauses
    3. Modifiers
    4. Introductory devices
    5. Paragraph patterns
  2. Fiction writing
  3. Informative writing
  4. MLA research writing

IV. Physical Science

  1. Matter
  2. Chemistry
  3. Motion, forces, energy
  4. Sound & light
  5. Electricity & magnetism

V. Louisiana History

  1. Native American tribes
  2. French and Spanish claims and exploration
  3. Louisiana Purchase
  4. Citizenship and government
  5. Current events

VI. Civics

  1. Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
  2. Legal theories
  3. Economic systems
  4. Supply and demand
  5. Monetary and business regulations

VII. Word Study

  1. Roots, prefixes, and suffixes
  2. Spelling, meaning, and usage

VIII. Religion

Study of the institution of the Church

  1. Introduction to the Church as a mystery of God’s love
  2. Church history, Christ’s love continuing through the ages
  3. Students will learn to broaden their knowledge of the Church’s witness to Jesus, how to apply the Ten Commandments to situations they meet.

IX. Computer

Advanced computer skills development

  1. Individual user name and password
  2. Textbook "Discovering Computers"
  3. Typing Tutor
  4. Microsoft Word project
  5. Microsoft Excel project
  6. Microsoft PowerPoint project
  7. Educational games


Lake Castle @ 2003-2013


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