Lake Castle Madisonville Private School, Inc.

"Excellence in Education"

6th Grade School Curriculum

I. Reading

  1. Story elements
    1. Author’s purpose
    2. Theme
    3. Plot
    4. Setting
    5. Main idea
  2. Literature based curriculum (last quarter)
    1. 2 novel minimum
    2. Study of:
      1. Setting
      2. Character development
      3. Theme
      4. Plot

II. Math

  1. Addition and subtraction
    1. Open sentences and equations
    2. Solving equations
    3. Properties of addition
    4. Evaluating expressions
    5. Problem solving
  2. Multiplication and division
    1. Properties of multiplication and division
    2. Order of operations
    3. Distributive property
    4. Simplifying expressions
    5. Solving equations
    6. Problem solving
  3. Decimals
    1. Place value and metric prefixes
    2. Rounding and comparing decimals
    3. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
    4. Estimation
    5.  Problem Solving:  Multi-step problems
  4. Number Theory
    1. Finding factors and multiples
    2. Divisibility tests
    3. Prime and composite numbers
    4. Powers and exponents
    5. Scientific notation
    6. Prime factorization
    7. Greatest common factor (GCF)
    8. Least common multiple (LCM)
    9. Sequences
  5. Fractions
    1. Equivalent fractions and simplest form
    2. Mixed numerals
    3. Addition and subtraction with like and unlike denominators
    4. Addition and subtraction with mixed numerals
    5. Multiplication
    6. Multiplicative inverses
    7. Division
    8. Writing fractions as decimals and decimals as fractions
  6. Ratios, proportions, and percentages
    1. Fractions, decimals, and percents
    2. Using decimals in percent problems
    3. Discounts and interest
  7. Geometry
    1. Angles, perpendicular, and parallel lines
    2. Polygons, quadrilaterals, and triangles
  8. Measurement
    1. Metric & customary units
    2. Perimeter, area, and circumference
      • Rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids, and circles
  9. Probability and statistics
    1. Using true diagrams
    2. Using multiplication
    3. Probability of independent events
    4. Probability of dependent events
    5. Mean, mode, and median

III. English

  1. Principles of grammar
  2. Sentence structure
  3. Paragraph writing
    1. Narrative
    2. Descriptive
    3. Persuasive
    4. Expository
  4. Research paper

IV. Earth Science

  1. Measurement standards
  2. Topography & geography
  3. Earth’s structure & composition
  4. Earth dynamics
  5. Earth’s atmosphere
  6. Energy & environment

V. World History

  1. Ancient civilizations
  2. Historical ages
  3. Cultures of western and eastern hemispheres
  4. Current events

VI. Word Study

  1. Accuracy
  2. Meanings
  3. Usage
  4. Dictionary skills
  5. Word building
  6. Handwriting practice
  7. Proofreading skill development

VII. Religion

Study of the Old Testament

  1. Values of reading Hebrew Scripture
  2. Develop an attitude of trust in God’s plan
  3. Become aware of God’s powerful presence among his people
  4. God’s providential use of persons and events furthers his plan of salvation.
  5. Introduction to the role and messages of the prophets

VIII. Computer

Intermediate computer skills development

  1. Individual user name and password
  2. Mouse skills (right & left click)
  3. Computer terms
  4. How computers work
  5. Typing Tutor
  6. Introduction to word processing
  7. Introduction to spreadsheets
  8. Introduction to databases
  9. Educational games
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