Lake Castle Madisonville Private School, Inc.

"Excellence in Education"

5th Grade School Curriculum

I. Reading

  1. Story elements
    1. Cause & effect
    2. Figurative language
    3. Similes
    4. Metaphors
    5. Setting
    6. Author’s purpose
  2. Vocabulary
    1. Greek & Latin roots
    2. Word meanings & usage
    3. Context clues
  3. Cold Reading
    • Independently read passages and questions are independently answered

II. Math

  1. Basic math concepts
    1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of 1-, 2-, and 3-digit whole numbers
    2. Comparing, ordering, and rounding
  2. Decimals and fractions
    • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  3. Number theories
    1. Prime factorization
    2. Greatest common factor (GCF)
    3. Least common multiple (LCM)
    4. Order of operations
    5. Equation solving
  4. Geometry
    1. Lines, angles, and figures
    2. Calculation of perimeter, circumference, area, and volume
  5. Measurement
    • Metric & customary units of length, mass, capacity, weight, and temperature
  6. Problem solving

III. English

  1. Grammar
  2. Usage
  3. Mechanics
  4. Parts of speech
  5. Diagraming
  6. Sentence structure
  7. Paragraph composition relating to a specific topic
  8. Dictionary skills

IV. Science

  1. Astronomy
  2. Cell division and genetics
  3. Paleontology – evolution of species
  4. Earth Science – adaptations of species
  5. Technological advances
  6. Environmental science

V. Social Studies – United States History

  1. Geography of the U.S.
  2. Influences on the culture and development of the U.S.
  3. European voyages to the New World
  4. British colonialism
  5. American democracy
  6. The Constitution
  7. Industrial Revolution
  8. Civil War
  9. Reconstruction
  10. WWI & WWII
  11. Modern era of the U.S.
  12. Current events

VI. Word Study

  1. Accuracy
  2. Meanings
  3. Usage
  4. Dictionary skills
  5. Word building
  6. Handwriting practice
  7. Proofreading skill development

VII. Religion

  1. Worshipping God
    1. Students see Jesus as a model for worship in prayer, loving service, and sacrifice.
    2. Study of rites of our celebration of Christ’s savings acts
    3. Study of the sacraments of healings
  2. Study of the community
    1. Study of different vocations
    2. Review the fifth through tenth commandments and the works of mercy

VIII. Computer

Intermediate computer skills development

  1. Individual user name and password
  2. Mouse skills (right & left click)
  3. Computer terms
  4. How computers work
  5. Typing Tutor
  6. Introduction to word processing
  7. Introduction to spreadsheets
  8. Introduction to databases
  9. Educational games
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